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10 Reasons why adopting a Rescue Dog is Awesome

1. You will save a life. 2.7 million dogs are euthanized in shelters each year.

2. Rescue dogs can make incredible transformations when they are adopted into loving homes.

3. Most rescue dogs are relinquished for reasons that havenothing to do with behavioral problems, and they are generally quite loving and gentle.

4. When you rescue a canine, you’ll never want for cuddles.

5. If you adopt a dog, you’ll be giving him the gift of new adventures and exploration.

6. Your other animals might actually be grateful to have a new pal, as shelter dogs often get quite a bit of socialization before they’re adopted.

7. Every dog has an amazing personality all his own.

8. Dogs at shelters come in all shapes and sizes!

9. Choosing rescue dogs means that you won’t be supporting inhumane puppy mills.

10. When you adopt a rescue dog, you’ve got a best friend for life.
